With Salute less than 5 weeks away we have finalised our release schedule for the show in April.

In case you are going to the show and have not already found us in the map the trade stand is in position TH04 and the pariticipation games will be across from the stall in position GX01.

First up we have a new MERC pack with P.F. providing another fantastic set of Vadorian Assassins. MERC 15 – Vadorian Assassins 2, contains 5 unique figures and is priced £2.90.

In support of our new Jungle Terrain board we will be releasing a set of Alien Jungle Flora. This set will be price at £7.50 and contains 18 pieces, 6 x large plants, 5 x medium, 7 x small.

Keep your eyes on the forums for news on how we have been using these pieces on the new jungle terrain board.

The most exciting news we have is the release of four 1000pts Battle force sets for the Critical Mass rules. Each of these forces provides a solid core infantry force with supporting vehicles which provide a challenging match up out of the box as well as being an excellent starting point for a much larger army.

As a special promotion for Salute anyone purchasing a Battle Force can also add a Rulebook for half its regular price, down to just £6.

Additionally all the Battle Forces will be available to play on the day and anyone who completes a Participation game can get a FREE rulebook or set of Kaamados Power Convertor Objectives with any Battle Force purchase

The Kaamados Dominion Battle Force is priced at £45.00 and includes;

Legion Battle Force Commander
1 Naga Draconum

Commander Support
1 Gekotaa Armoured Car with Comms Array

Cohort Commander
1 Togura Cohort Commander mounted in Dragamaa Heavy Battle Tank

Cohort Units
1 Naga Unit with Tokai support weapon
1 Agaamid Unit with 2 Plasma Launcher support weapons
1 Agaamid Unit with 2 Plasma Launcher support weapons

The Preasentia Battle Force is also priced at £45.00 and includes;

Battle Force Commander
1 Praesentia Ancient

Battle Force Units
1 Praesentia Enlightened Unit with 3 Phase pulsar support weapons
1 Praesentia Enlightened Unit with 3 Phase pulsar support weapons
1 Praesentia Guardian Squadron (3 Vehicles)
1 Praesentia Sentinel Squadron (3 Vehicles)

The Protolene Khanate Battle Force is £50.00 and includes;

Battle Force Commander
1 Hunter Great Khan mounted in Marrok Battlesuit

Protolene Hunter Packs
1 Hunter Battle Pack
1 Hunter Battle Pack with Particle Cannon support weapon
1 Ayame Hunter Assaultsuit Pack (3 Vehicles)
1 Marrok Hunter Battlesuit Pack (2 Vehicles)

Finally we have the ARC Fleet Battle Force priced £60.00 which includes;

Battle Force Commander
Recon Infantry Colonel

Combat Platoons
1 Recon Infantry platoon w/2 sniper & 1 grenade launcher support weapons
1 Recon Infantry platoon w/2 grenade launcher support weapons
1 Reduced Recon Infantry platoon w/1 sniper & 1 grenade launcher support weapons

Support Platoons
1 Recon Infantry Laser Cannon support platoon
1 Scout Walker platoon (2 Vehicles)
1 Heavy Grav Tank platoon (1 Vehicle)

We look forward to seeing you at Salute next Month and don’t forget the Trade Stand will be in position TH04 and the Critical Mass participation games at position GX01 opposite the trade stand.

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